Tuesday, December 15, 2009


The world needs a hero,

And I fear that it isn’t me.
All that I’ve wanted is to
Be your hero; hold you close
to tell you that its always
Going to be alright. We both
Know that it isn’t, and who
Are we fooling? Maybe that
Is why the world still needs
A hero, and I’m stuck inside
Of the darkness of my mind.

Thursday, November 12, 2009



When your lips met mine,
The layers melted away,
The world was put on hold.
Your hand slipped into
Mine and for once all of the
Pieces finally fit. I find
Myself, lost, once again,
This time in your eyes as
You stare back at me,
Myself stripped bare, naked,
Without fear. I stare back
At you, nothing more than
Myself; trembling, shaking,
Alive again, all from your smile.


Now its daybreak and all
The butterflies have left;
Seeking the flickering of
A still burning set of flames.
Its because you are broken,
And I am scarred. My trail
Of blood and reason ran
through me, you were but a
Brief passerby; a tourist
of my maligned desires. If I
Could find a way, I'd blame
Myself for thinking I could
Rest my head from all of my
Weary days. But I'm covering
Up again, Shivering, Cold.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I'm wondering if the sun will shine again,
Because I've been blind for far too long.
The stars stopped speaking to me or I
Just believe that I've lost my language.

I spoke in tongues and now I speak in maths,
Neither one has led me to the reason.
I'm bloodless and numb, you're ashes in
my mouth. Sorrow never knew its home,
Now it has found its way back to me.

If I'm not lost then I'm not sure that I
Can really be found, You're ashes in my
Mouth and I can't breath this air anymore.

Monday, July 20, 2009

No words.

Through all of the bullshit, I realize that I'm not ready to let you go. I realize that none of this makes sense to me and it won't for a while. So many thoughts have gone through my head, and now that I'm trying to collect them I'm overwhelmed; I don't really know what to say.

Mary called me this morning, and I knew that Mary had no reason to be calling me at 8:11 on a Monday morning. My gut wrenched as I walked through my office so I could call her back. I knew they were just returning from Europe, and my first thought is that something happened to both of them, or just to Pam.. But if so my dad would be calling me, not Mary. They thought it was a heart attack, my stepmom found him on the bathroom floor not moving or breathing. He was rushed to the hospital where they kept trying to stabilize his condition, but nothing was working. I drove home solemn, I kept my sunglasses on because the tears were streaming down my face.

He'll make it, people survive these all the time. Every day people survive heart attacks. People, worse people who lived selfish, cruel lives have survived them. My step father, who holds a special place in the depth of depravity survived two of them, my dad was going to be fine, I thought. Except that it wasn't a heart attack. It was worse.

My dad had a brain aneurysm and it hemorrhaged. The next time I spoke with Mary she explained this, and explained that they asked if a brain surgeon should be brought in, but then there would be a 5% chance of survival -- brain dead in a wheel chair for however long he could sustain. As I type this, my father is on life support, as my sister explained to me, his chest still heaves up and down as his lungs pump air throughout his system. He lays there, serene, hooked up to a life support system, long enough so they can harvest his organs to be donated.

I'm across the country and I can't get there until tomorrow and I'm not even sure how I'm feeling. I realize that I'm slipping tenses here, but I really don't care.

Dad, there is really so much that I want to say, and I know that I can't, that it is too late. You spent your entire life dedicated to helping everybody else and nobody ever had the chance to help you out in return. I know this is how you would of wanted it; you wouldn't of wanted to put other people what they put you through. Yesterday you brought your sick Aunt that you've taken care of for as long as I can imagine a set of rosary beads that you bought for her at the Vatican. You were always there for her, even when nobody else was. They all visited her when she was alright, but you were the one that took her from hospital to hospital, that was there every day that you could be. The same with your mother, you were always there while everybody else kept their distance and waited.

You never gave up and you never would have. I remember those nights that you spent sleeping on a sleeping bag on my floor because my mother was trying to provoke you so she could get custody of us, and I remember how every night you cried yourself to sleep when you thought that I had already fallen asleep. When a little over a year and a half later I decided to go back and live with her because I wasn't happy with your life decisions you didn't stop me, and when that fell apart you didn't raise a single objection to taking me back.

All I can really hope for is that you were happy these last 10 years. I love you. I am going to miss you.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Whispering.. Wondering..


As I fall deeper and deeper,
I feel my heart shatter --
Into a million little pieces.

Not knowing your touch,
Or smelling your scent
Leaves me wondering why;
Scratching at the doors
And picking at the bindings.

I try to pick up the pieces,
As to not be lost without you;
Instead I find myself whispering
To you in my sleep, wondering
If my voice can carry that far,
Or if your ears can hear the sounds
Of my last lonesome song.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


The pumpjack stands --
Ominous on the horizon
As the sun melts through my soul.
A hazy lack of understanding
Plagues me as I tend to my mind
In misunderstood silence.

The trail of smoke and reason burns
Without my consent yet again,
Bending my will and contorting my mind.
This was never my intention,
But instead my affliction,
As I'm cursed to walk through life alone;
My stark atonement for opening my eyes
To a world that wishes to remain unseen.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I see.

I see people and feel guilty. A part of me feels bad for them, for what they know and don't know. It isn't pity or loathing as much as it is a cold indifference. People are sad.

How am I expected to integrate with them if I don't see any value in them?

I miss my friends.

Saturday, April 25, 2009


I'm disconnected through your smile --
Haunted by the sound and the fury
Of your laugh. Enchanted again by
The look in your eyes, the pounding
In my head and the throbbing of my
Heart. My signals are shaken not stirred.

Knock three times if this is for real.
Knock two times if you want me.
Knock me unconscious if I'm still alive.

Not that I'd be able to tell, but when
I decided to lose myself I found you,
Wondering if I'm too far gone to be
Saved. A penetrating truth is needed
While only a vague nonsensical smile
Is playing out as my spirit guide. It
Is never enough to simply be, there
Always has to be a catch, always
Has to be an overwhelming sense
That there is more, always more.

If I ask nicely, may I have some more?

Monday, March 16, 2009


Someday -- This is my biggest fear --
That I'll find myself a reason to care.
Maybe I'll awake and realize that my
Misgivings were simple premonitions,
Pissed away by a self-preserving and
Self-destructive impulse inside of me.

Tomorrow -- A day I can't imagine --
If I was supposed to be something,
It isn't supposed to be tomorrow, it 
Was forgotten just like yesterday.
Just like today. Just like every other
Day that my eyes refuse to open.

Yesterday -- I said that I was sorry --
But I'm only sorry that I didn't hurt
You sooner; letting myself relish in
This ceremonial bloodletting, embracing,
by the ounce, every bit of pain you
Let me show you of this world.

Today --Today I tried to live, again --
Only to find that I've lost the plot,
I'm really not the man I wish to be;
Sad, brittle, broken and lost without
my paddle -- the paddle I cast into the 
Sea, so why won't you just pity me?

Someday -- It'll be the day that I realize --
That I'll need to love myself to care.
Maybe I'll awake and realize that I
Already have, always have, that the
World just forgot to embrace what I 
Was -- Just whatever they weren't.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I realized, not too long ago
That I was nothing but a lost
Little soldier, exiled to a non-
Existent war. I've watched
Everything play out in front
Of my shallow eyes, only to
Realize that I was twenty-six
Hundred miles away from it all.

An existential dilemma wrapped
Up, neatly, inside of a thousand-
Yard stare; A victim of a self-
Imposed case of shell shock from
A hand grenade I haven't quite
Learned to let go of yet. The pin
Keeps calling to me, like the itch
That I could never reach. I won't
Be happy until I've burned all that
I was right down to the Ground.