NAPPY-HAIRED HOS. Seriously, shut the fuck up. The fact that people are up-in-arms over Don Imus, an aging, politically-retarded old guy in a cowboy hat is amazing. The thing is, most people aren't even listening to the Imus in the Morning show, never mind enough to make him get CNN headlines for the entire week. Apparently he doesn't understand what kind of jokes he can and can't make, we get it. He is a public figure who has a good deal of money and a nationally syndicated television (well, did) and radio show (well, once again, did).
While I don't agree with what he said, or how ridiculous he has been in trying to defend himself, it is painfully obvious that people are making a huge deal over this just to get themselves publicity. Think of the names you are hearing about involved in this; Al Sharpton, Barrack Obama, and so on and so on. We are getting a lot of public, Democratic figures making a giant stink about this, and in Obama's case, he is going to be running for President. What better way to cement what already was a strong support with African-Americans and anybody who feels like an outsider, than to rally against a public figure and his idiocy? This carefully chosen, as well. What good would rallying against Kramer do? Richardson is a dude that nobody gives a fuck about anymore.
Don Imus was at least a public figure with some street cred, and people will take Barrack Obama's opinions on this issue quite seriously. I mean fuck, they think he has the answers to the Iraq war, he might as well be able to whine in public about some philanthropic hick calling a college girls' basketball team a bunch of 'nappy haired hos.' People are just ridiculous.
I'm just laughing at the fact that Don Imus, one of the more boring radio show hosts in recent history gets booted from the radio, while an actual 'Shock Jock' (seriously, people consider this guy a shock jock) like Howard Stern can be on public radio for years, and then get a huge cash-money contract from a satellite radio provider, as well as given his own series of stations and allowed to do whatever the hell he damn well pleases.
This is just a strange time for public, boring figures. First Dan Rather and now Don Imus. Whats next? Rush Limbaugh?!
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